Utilization of Space-Based TDoA and FDoA for Cislunar Orbit Determination

Utilization of Space-Based TDoA and FDoA for Cislunar Orbit Determination

Presented at the Advanced Maui Optical and Space Surveillance Technologies (AMOS) 2022 Conference

Michael R. Thompson, Matthew D. Popplewell, Bradley Cheetham


This study evaluates the potential observability benefits of space-based passive RF systems compared to other ground-based and space-based observers for cislunar Space Domain Awareness. TDoA and FDoA observations are used for orbit determination of objects in the lunar vicinity using observers in GEO and XGEO. The results are compared to ground-based observations in order to analyze the performance gains over existing architectures. Results show using space-based systems result in faster filter convergence and more accurate state estimates.


CAPSTONE Mission: 10 September 2022 Update

CAPSTONE Mission: 10 September 2022 Update

The CAPSTONE spacecraft was executing a planned trajectory correction maneuver Thursday evening, September 8th. We have since obtained telemetry that confirms the vehicle suffered an anomaly near the end of the planned maneuver and is currently in safe mode. The CAPSTONE mission team has good knowledge of the state and status of the spacecraft. The anomaly resolution has been enabled by the exceptional support of the team at NASA’s Deep Space Network. The mission operations team is in contact with the vehicle and working to resolve the anomaly. As resolution efforts progress, more updates will be provided. The spacecraft remains on its planned course to the Moon.

Another Success with CAPSTONE Lunar Mission

Another Success with CAPSTONE Lunar Mission

Spacecraft remains on target to test navigation technology and lunar operations to support NASA’s Moon missions under Artemis programs

It is hard to believe we launched CAPSTONE almost a month ago. We have encountered many variables that have kept this mission exciting, and the mission operators have been active. The Advanced Space Astrodynamics and Navigation Engineers have been busy for years leading up to this and just as busy this last month as CAPSTONE flies. An assumption may be that a small satellite means less work but in actuality the effort is just as great if not more so. Small satellites with small budgets and size restrictions require more creativity and calculated steps to ensure precision and execution through the process. (more…)