Advanced Space Commemorates One Year Since CAPSTONE Separation
It’s been one year since CAPSTONE separated from its launch vehicle to become the first commercial spacecraft operating at the Moon. Advanced Space is grateful to our team members and proud of all their accomplishments! (more…)
Advanced Space Team Visits NASA Goddard to Share Progress, Future Opportunities
Advanced Space CEO Bradley Cheetham and two team members of the Cislunar Autonomous Positioning System Technology Operations and Navigation Experiment (CAPSTONE™) team, Alec Forsman, Mission Operations Lead and Ethan Kayser, Mission Design Lead, returned to the place where it all began—NASA Goddard Space Flight Center—to share lessons learned from the successful ongoing mission. (more…)
Team Highlight – Alec Forsman
What has been your favorite project at Advanced Space and why?
Hands down, it has been CAPSTONE. It has just been such a unique and exciting experience being able to work on developing the mission from a concept into an operational spacecraft at the Moon. The experience has given me the opportunity to work with incredible engineers and learn so many new things. Another aspect that makes CAPSTONE so interesting for me is the development of the onboard CAPS technology. It’s been so rewarding being able to work on a technology that started out as just a Phase I SBIR concept back in 2017 and matured into something we’ve been able to demonstrate successfully at the Moon 6 years later!
Space Resources Roundtable 2023
On June 6, Thomas Gardner, Advanced Space’s Director of Engineering, gave a presentation on the recently extended CAPSTONE mission as part of the Colorado School of Mines’ Space Resources Roundtable (SRR). He also discussed some of the future technologies we are supporting for future lunar resource development. Gardner explained, “We support [the Roundtable] because it’s the future – commercial exploration and development of space resources at the Moon and within the solar system in support of the exploration, development and settlement of space. Advanced Space was built to be a part of that.” (more…)