CAPSTONE™ Mission Accomplished and More Left to Go!

CAPSTONE™ Mission Accomplished and More Left to Go!

From completing the mission to exceeding expectations, our spacecraft flew its 18-month mission at the Moon and will continue flying.

WESTMINSTER, CO, 29 May 2024 – A project that began as a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) project celebrated an important milestone this month: Advanced Space’s pioneering Cislunar Autonomous Positioning System Technology Operations and Navigation Experiment (CAPSTONE™) satellite completed its original 18-month mission for NASA. (more…)

Advanced Space’s CAPSTONE Operates One Year at the Moon

Advanced Space’s CAPSTONE Operates One Year at the Moon

CAPSTONE Contributes to a Resilient U.S. Space Architecture in Cislunar Space

Westminster, CO — Advanced Space, a leading space tech solutions company, announced today that their Cislunar Autonomous Positioning System Technology Operations and Navigation Experiment (CAPSTONE) mission has successfully operated on-orbit around the Moon for a full year. This milestone puts the company in an elite category logging over 365 days of continuous operations in the cislunar environment. As the first company to operate a commercial satellite at the Moon, Advanced Space has gained valuable insights around cislunar operations that can only come from hands-on experience. (more…)

Plotting Orbits: Using Math and Lessons Learned to Plan Orbits for the Lunar Gateway

Plotting Orbits: Using Math and Lessons Learned to Plan Orbits for the Lunar Gateway

For several years now, Advanced Space has analyzed orbital dynamics for the Lunar Gateway. Supporting the Gateway’s Mission Design and Navigation (MDNAV) team, located primarily at NASA’s Johnson Space Center, these analyses have helped inform station requirements; develop concepts of operations; plan for contingencies; and assist with other planning activities. Our experience with operating the CAPSTONE™ mission in the unique near-rectilinear halo orbit (NRHO) environment has enabled us to help NASA understand the best ways to operate spacecraft in that orbit. These results have been shared with the Gateway team and at industry conferences. (more…)

Sci-Tech Forum 2022

Sci-Tech Forum 2022

A few of our team members are attending the Sci-Tech Forum this week both physically and virtually. We invite you to listen to their work being presented, which demonstrates great collaboration and support from the NASA Gateway Program. Enter into discussion and learn ways we may support your needs. We look forward to connecting with you.

Paper presented by our Astrodynamics and Navigation Engineer, Connor Ott
 Session: SFM-04, Orbit Determination and Space Surveillance Tracking
 Session Room Name: Coronado B
 Presentation Title: Range Biases, Measurement Noise, and Perilune Accuracy in Near Rectilinear Halo Orbit Navigation
 Tuesday, January 4, 14:00 – 15:40 PST (In-Person)

Paper presented by our Astrodynamics Engineer and Mission Design Lead, Ethan Kayser
 Session: SFM-06, Trajectory Design and Optimization I
 Paper Title: Navigation and Mission Design for Low-Thrust Insertion into Near Rectilinear Halo Orbits
 Tuesday, January 4, 16:00 – 17:15 PST (Virtually)

Paper presented by our Astrodynamics and Navigation Engineer, Michael Thompson
 Session: SFM-17, Trajectory Design and Optimization VII
 Session Room Name: Cortez Hill C
 Presentation Title: An Analysis of Downstream Uncertainty in NHRO Stationkeeping Strategies
 Thursday, January 6, 14:00 – 15:40 PST (In-Person)