CAPSTONE™ is a Culmination of Collaborative Community

CAPSTONE™ is a Culmination of Collaborative Community

Thank you to our CAPSTONE Mission Partners

As we count down to launch, we wanted to extend a thank you to everyone who has made this possible. While we take great pride in our team here at Advanced Space, we know it takes an industry built from the community we are part of. Today we highlight those who made this mission possible, and what their role is in CAPSTONE: (more…)

NASA Deputy Administrator Pam Melroy along with U.S. Representatives Perlmutter and McNerney of the U.S. House Committee on Science, Space, & Technology visit Advanced Space

NASA Deputy Administrator Pam Melroy along with U.S. Representatives Perlmutter and McNerney of the U.S. House Committee on Science, Space, & Technology visit Advanced Space

The CAPSTONE™ mission launching this month will test a unique orbit planned for human missions to the Moon.

Westminster, CO. (May 5, 2022) – Advanced Space LLC, the high-tech commercial aerospace company hosted NASA Deputy Administrator Pam Melroy, U.S. Representatives Ed Perlmutter and Jerry McNerney along with some staff members of the U.S. House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology and Lt. Governor’s Chief of Staff today to celebrate the upcoming CAPSTONE™ mission heading to the Moon in May as a pathfinder for NASA. Advanced Space showcased their Colorado headquarters, the location of where the Mission Operations Center for their CAPSTONE mission.


Main Engine Cutoff podcast hosts episode with Advanced Space about CAPSTONE™

Main Engine Cutoff podcast hosts episode with Advanced Space about CAPSTONE™

Brad Cheetham, our co-founder, CEO, and President of Advanced Space joins Anthony Colangelo of Main Engine Cutoff to talk about our upcoming CAPSTONE mission. They talk about how the mission came to be, what it’s been like working with NASA and the other partners on the mission, and then dive into the nerdy details of the trajectory it’s flying to the moon, the orbits it will operate in, how its autonomous positioning system works, and how it might be used in the future.

Sci-Tech Forum 2022

Sci-Tech Forum 2022

A few of our team members are attending the Sci-Tech Forum this week both physically and virtually. We invite you to listen to their work being presented, which demonstrates great collaboration and support from the NASA Gateway Program. Enter into discussion and learn ways we may support your needs. We look forward to connecting with you.

Paper presented by our Astrodynamics and Navigation Engineer, Connor Ott
 Session: SFM-04, Orbit Determination and Space Surveillance Tracking
 Session Room Name: Coronado B
 Presentation Title: Range Biases, Measurement Noise, and Perilune Accuracy in Near Rectilinear Halo Orbit Navigation
 Tuesday, January 4, 14:00 – 15:40 PST (In-Person)

Paper presented by our Astrodynamics Engineer and Mission Design Lead, Ethan Kayser
 Session: SFM-06, Trajectory Design and Optimization I
 Paper Title: Navigation and Mission Design for Low-Thrust Insertion into Near Rectilinear Halo Orbits
 Tuesday, January 4, 16:00 – 17:15 PST (Virtually)

Paper presented by our Astrodynamics and Navigation Engineer, Michael Thompson
 Session: SFM-17, Trajectory Design and Optimization VII
 Session Room Name: Cortez Hill C
 Presentation Title: An Analysis of Downstream Uncertainty in NHRO Stationkeeping Strategies
 Thursday, January 6, 14:00 – 15:40 PST (In-Person)