About Us
Advanced Space exists to enable the sustainable exploration, development, and settlement of space.
We are one team motivated by our vision
We bring technical excellence and
inexhaustible curiosity
When we see it; we solve it
We are customer-obsessed and mission-focused
We are orbiting the Moon!
The Cislunar Autonomous Positioning System Technology Operations and Navigation Experiment (CAPSTONE™) Mission launched to the Moon in June 2022 and arrived in November 2022. This mission is leveraging a highly efficient transfer to the Moon, serve as a pathfinder for NASA’s Artemis program, and demonstrate our proprietary peer-to-peer navigation capability in the Cislunar Autonomous Positioning System (CAPS™).
Check out the NASA Mission Website
Technical Capabilities
Mission Planning, Analysis, & Support
- Launch and Early Operations
- Orbit Transfers
- Ground System Requirements and Capabilities
- Space Systems Engineering and Operations
- Innovative Architectures for Resilience and Competitiveness
- Trajectory and Maneuver Design
- Navigation Design and Operations
- Payload Scheduling and Prioritization
- Proposal and Program Development Support
- Guidance, Navigation and Control
- Algorithm and Software Development
- Avionics Interface, Design and Requirements
Flight Dynamics
We help people fly their spacecraft
- Constellations
- Electric Propulsion
- Cislunar
- Interplanetary
Technology Development
- Cutting-edge Capabilities
- On-board Spacecraft Automation
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Rapid Turn-key Missions
- Integrated Expertise
- Proprietary toolchains
- Systems Engineering Architecture For Expedited Analysis

Software Development
- Ground Software for Analysis and Operations
- Flight Software
- Software-Firmware-Hardware Interfaces and Implementation
- State-of-the-Art Practices, Secure Scalability, & Intelligent Automation

Unique Expertise
- Electric Propulsion Trajectory Optimization and Operations
- Three-body Orbit Transfers, Orbit Maintenance, and Orbit Navigation
- Lunar Lander System Design, Planning, and Operations Support
28+ Missions Supported (6 of last 7 U.S. Spacecraft to the Moon)
Experience Across Civil, Commercial, and National Security Space
State-of-the-art Software Tools and Processes
Existing Contracts and Relationships with: NASA, USAF, Primes, Commercial Operators, and Start-ups
Advanced Space, LLC.
1400 W 122nd Ave Suite 200
Westminster, CO, 80234
Contact Us
Join Us
Advanced Space is continuously looking to add to our team. We're always taking resumés for full-time and internship positions.